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Net Zero School

What is a Power Purchase Agreement and are we procuring solar PV with it?

Over 140 Lincoln residents have installed solar photovoltaics on their roofs and were able take advantage of the 30% tax credit to help mitigate the cost. The school won't be able to take advantage of this tax incentive directly so it needs a third party who can take advantage of the incentives. 

Click here to download the Power Purchase Agreements Factsheet

Why is Solar Photovoltaics important to the town and the school building project?

Installing solar photovoltaics would help reduce the town's fossil fuel consumption. The school is the largest consumer in town but also has the largest roof space for solar panels. 

Click here to download the Solar PV Factsheet

What is a Net Zero Building  and how will it benefit the town?

The town of Lincoln passed  an "Energy Bylaw" in 2008 to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels. Read more about the bylaw and how it pertains to the school building.

Click here to download the Net Zero Factsheet


An Update on Solar Project at Lincoln Schools from Buckner Creel

school rooftop solar.png
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